Thunderbird is a low cost fully reusable
VTOL rocket from UK based Starchaser Industries , which has an established track record in unmanned rocketry. It is an X-Prize contender, and is designed to carry three people on a short sub-orbital pleasure flights into space.
The vehicle uses existing off-the-shelf components
wherever possible to minimize development cost, combined with an
advanced composite for the airframe. The primary propulsion is provided
LOX /kerosene
engines which carry the vehicle to a maximum altitude of 100km after
burnout before re-entering tail-first using a steerable parasail.
Reaction control is handled independantly by cold gas thrusters.
The Thunderbird
is a single stage vehicle, but composed of two discreet and seperable
units: a command module, which includes the cabin, life support, and
reaction control system, and a propulsion module comprising the fuel
tanks, engines, and landing gear. In an emergency the command module is
detachable from the rest of the vehicle, allowing the crew to bebrought
down independently.
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