Thursday, 8 November 2012


The Cosmopolis XXI is a two-stage sub-oribtal spacecraft proposed by the Cosmopolis XXI Suborbital Corporation and Myasishchev Design Bureau ( MDB) designed for sub-orbital space tourism. It is an X-Prize contender.
The first stage carrier is the M-55X "Geophysika", which will climb to a 17km altitude before ascending at a steep angle to 20km where the second stage Cosmopolis XXI (or C-21) disengages and separates.
The C-21 second stage is a rocket powered lifting body RLV capable of carrying a pilot and two passengers to a peak altitude of roughly 100km (62 miles). Once the rocket engine burns out the crew compartment separates from it, after which it will enters free-fall for a few minutes before descending and re-entering the atmosphere. Descent is achieved though the deployment of aerodynamic control surfaces, followed by a landing divided into an initial glide-phase and a final parachute-assisted touch down.

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