Everyone's seen pictures of rockets taking off - both real ones and
imaginary ones. And everyone's seen pictures of spaceplanes taking off -
but they're all imaginary - because they're impossible! (or at
least, be prepared for a long wait). The basic problem for designers of
reusable space vehicles is achieving the velocity needed to reach orbit
without carrying so much fuel that the vehicle is either too heavy to
get there or unable to carry anything other than fuel. So the answer is
either to make the vehicle very light, or to find a way around having to
carry all that fuel.
There's more than one way to do it
The problem with planes is that wings contain very little fuel, but
they have a big surface area, so they're heavy. Their advantage is that
they can generate lift in the atmosphere so that a launch vehicle uses
much less propellant in the first part of its trajectory. But that isn't
enough of an advantage to overcome their weight problem - so
HTOLHowever, HTOL Alternatively, TSTO 1.5STO is the approach by the Black Horse Another ingenious 1.5STO is the approach taken by Kelly Space Technology The advantage of VTOL
3 - The Duckbilled Platypus option
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Strictly speaking there's also
The key difficulty of SSTO Another problem with VTOHL
4 - The Rest of the Field
In addition to the above, there have also been proposals for two
stage vertical launch vehicles, and even a single-stage-to-orbit space
station that launches itself!
In the Blue Corner...
Now, there are dedicated, professional, convincing (even noisy!) supporters of both
The War's Over
Unfortunately the space industry suffers from the problem of having
been a government activity for decades during the "cold war". As a
result there are numerous research establishments with expensive
equipment in many countries which these institutions want to use,
because it's embarrassing to them to admit they're a waste. So they're
always coming up with ways of spending money on anything except passenger launch vehicles.
Projects working on scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engines are a good example of this. They sound great, taking oxygen from the air instead of carrying it with you -- but they're essentially pointless technology, at least for civilian use. They'll certainly never be used in any commercial vehicle. Think about it - Supersonic Combustion Ramjet means that it can't operate below supersonic speeds. So it needs another engine to take off with. And it's an air-breathing engine, so it can't operate in space either! So you need rockets on board. So you need 3 different propulsion systems -- heavy and complicated! Worse, experiments have shown that while originally planned to go to Mach 26 or Mach 20, scramjets can't work much above about Mach 11. And to use them a launch vehicle has to cruise in the atmosphere at that speed -- rather like standing in front of a welding torch -- instead of just getting out of the atmosphere as quick as possible. But there are expensive hypersonic wind-tunnels which "have to be used", and so instead of trying to make a launch vehicle that might actually make money (what a thought!), government institutions keep thinking up plans why they should continue this work instead. Well, if these organizations want to waste taxpayers' money, what's new? "Who cares?" you might ask. What must not be allowed is for these organizations to block the start of the true space age by justifing projects like this with the ludicrous claim that "This is the way to open the space frontier" - it isn't. The way to open the space frontier is to build passenger vehicles with existing technology and to start passenger services. It's as simple as that.
Keep it Simple, Stupid
Henry Ford didn't wait for the V-8 engine to be developed before he
started selling cars! He made them with the engines he could make at the
time, and he got started! And then with the money he earned he improved
his products step by step. It's going to be the same with space travel.
It's going to start with what's available - not with what might be developed decades from now, if enough billions of taxpayers' money is used (and probably not even then, as X-33And so that means making and operating VTOL |
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Rockets versus Planes
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